Friday 23 November 2012

Intel 8279 Keyboard/Display Controller

  • The Intel 8279 is a Keyboard/Display Controller is specially developed for interfacing keyboard and display devices for the Intel 8085, 8086 and 8088 microprocessors
  • Simultaneous keyboard and display operations
  • Scanned keyboard mode.
  • Scanned sensor mode.
  • 8-character keyboard FIFO.
  • Right or left entry 16-byte display RAM.
  • Programmable scan timing.


  1. he 8279 (programmable keyboard/display interface , only. The BA0 signal indicates an even or odd address. Since all memory accesses by the controller in , controller I/O port pin be connected to the memory's BYTE/WORD pin to provide the select signal. They also use the BA0 signal from the display controllers as a byte address (Figure 1-2). JEDEC standard static RAM , within one instruction cycle. Pin BA0 from the controller must be connected to address pin.

    1. Thank you sir...
      for your valuable information.
